“Mike Schikora’s Outlaw from the South is as complete of a musical work as you will hear in 2024.”
~Vents Magazine
“His art is capable of satisfying many musical desires.”
~Indie Pulse Magazine
“Mike Schikora’s Outlaw from the South is full of worthwhile songwriting and music that doesn’t date. Nor does it champion any causes other than what it means to be a human being.”
~The Hollywood Digest
“Mike Schikora’s music doesn’t harp about his LBGTQ lifestyle. It doesn’t have to. It doesn’t need to stand on that because Schikora and his assorted collaborators have written songs resolutely about life as we all know it, rather than narrowing its focus to one community or group of people. Outlaw from the South is a superb reminder, if we needed it, of Mike Schikora’s unique and substantial talents.”
“His fourth album, Outlaw from the South, reveals his truest path for me. Schikora’s authenticity and seemingly effortless elan with an assortment of classic country styles work as a much-needed rebuke to overly stylized pop-targeted twaddle.”
~Melody Maker Magazine